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Arizona’s Attorney General Talks Marijuana Legalization

Submitted by smorgan on
While prosecutors in Massachusetts still can’t figure out what "decriminalization" even means, Arizona’s top drug enforcer is talking about legalization:

Attorney General Terry Goddard said Tuesday he might be willing to consider legalizing marijuana if a way can be found to control its distribution - and figure out who has been smoking it.

Goddard said marijuana sales make up 75 percent of the money that Mexican cartels use for other operations, including smuggling other drugs and fighting the Mexican army and police.

He said that makes fighting drug distribution here important to cut off that cash. He acknowledged those profits could be slashed if possession of marijuana were not a crime in Arizona.[East Valley Tribune]

Not only is all of this completely dead-on, he said it at a frickin’ massive drug bust press conference! Are you kidding me!?

Goddard's comments came following a press conference Tuesday announcing the breakup of a major ring that police said has been responsible for bringing about 400,000 pounds of marijuana into Arizona each year since 2003.

I guess somebody forgot to give Goddard the script. Ya know, the one where you’re supposed to use these big busts to declare epic progress with pillows of schwag piled to the ceiling and crow that you’ve crippled the cartels pretty bad this time.

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